Kids @ 17mm f1.8 – Part 1

With the acquisition of the new lens every so often and changes to our family, I find myself having to create new thread series to keep up! This one should be appropriate for a while now though – on account that it’s extremely unlikely we’re going to have more kids than Hannah and Peter, and the 17mm f1.8 is a great all-rounder lens to take pictures of the two of them.

Several months ago when we knew Peter was coming, our colleagues and friends shared with us the new dynamics that would come about – Hannah possibly feeling left out, and also what’s known as the second child syndrome. The latter is something we’ll especially have to watch out for, but just prior to delivery, we were also mindful of ensuring that Hannah would still feel loved even with most of Ling’s time spent towards caring for Peter. A colleague of mine shared what he asked of his friends who visited his second and third newborns – that if they were bringing presents for the newborns, they would also bring presents for the older child too. Hannah was taken care of by Lentor grandparents during the several days Ling was in hospital. So, on her return home, alongside a few presents we got for her (so she wouldn’t feel left out), we’ve also tried to stick to her usual weekend routines.

Hannah couldn't wait to stroke her new baby brother when he started wailing. She was also very eager to carry him too. One ward nurse remarked that many older sisters either don't want to or grimace!
At the hospital. Hannah couldn’t wait to stroke her new baby brother when he started wailing. She was also very eager to carry him too. One ward nurse remarked that many older sisters either don’t want to or grimace!
Peter sound asleep for the moment. A very rare occurrence at the moment. Mommy's exhausted with round-the-clock feeds with Peter already. "His stomach is like a bottomless pit. Definitely much harder than Hannah 4 years ago!"
Peter sound asleep for the moment. A very rare occurrence at the moment. Mommy’s exhausted with round-the-clock feeds with Peter already. “His stomach is like a bottomless pit. Definitely much harder than Hannah 4 years ago!”
Daddy is Hannah's primary caregiver now, and brought her out for her weekend normal routine, like tucking into her favorite double-chocolate @ Coffee Bean.
Daddy is Hannah’s primary caregiver now, and brought her out for her weekend normal routine, like tucking into her favorite double-chocolate @ Coffee Bean.
Hannah, ready to play the role of 'big sister'.
Hannah, ready to play the role of ‘big sister’.
We got her a bike for Hannah's 4th birthday 3 weeks ago. She's able to ride in a straight line now, though she still navigates turns with a lot of difficulty. Nor does she understand road signs yet still LOL.
We got her a bike for Hannah’s 4th birthday 3 weeks ago. She’s able to ride in a straight line now, though she still navigates turns with a lot of difficulty. Nor does she understand road signs yet still LOL.

1 thought on “Kids @ 17mm f1.8 – Part 1

  1. Hannah looks quite content to be a big sister. It also looks like I’ll have a biking partner next time I visit. :)

    (I’m not so sure Goofy is having such a good time in that cargo basket.)

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