Weaning from Straw Cup

Finally, mommy is down to washing one straw cup per night! I have blogged about the tedium of washing milk bottles and transition cups. Yang could attest to the fact that I’m very particular about the cleanliness of our crockery and utensils. Every nook and cranny must be thoroughly washed. And with bottles and cups that come with so many parts, it felt like an endless job just washing them every night.

The straw cup in the photo above was used for drinking warm milk. I just decided recently to try giving Hannah milk in a normal cup instead. She took some adjusting to but since she loved milk, she would hold on to the cup trying to drink from it until the last drop was gone.

Record time for drinking milk from straw cup: 30 seconds

Initial record time for drinking milk from a normal cup: 5 minutes

Patience is key. After 1 week of drinking from the normal cup, the time taken was reduced to 2 minutes. Her ability to swallow fluids have improved. Of course, there was a bit a spillage now and then but that’s part of growing up.

Hannah is still using one straw cup as that serves as her water bottle. It is necessary to bring it for her playgroup and also all our outings.

Below are some photos of our dear girl drinking from a normal cup at Pizza Hut restaurant.



2 thoughts on “Weaning from Straw Cup

  1. U blogged abt Hannah moving onto non-formula milk some time ago. Is there a nutritional reason for that transition? Is it supposed to be better for toddlers?
    And how do you warm up the milk?

    Btw I tried ur mashed potato recipe just a few days back, the only modifications I made were I dumped the corn n potatoes together coz I was too lazy to wash another pot, and I also forgot abt the cheddar cheese. It tasted yummy to me n my hubby but the little one didn’t like it. Am really envious of Hannah being so open to accepting new foods. Sigh…

  2. Hi LisaC,

    Glad that you guys like the tuna potato dish :) Ya, introducing a new dish could be a hit-and-miss thing. But don’t give up trying, she may accept it or its individual ingredients one day. I recall that a mother tried giving mango to her tot and only succeeded on the 12th time!

    About transition from formula to whole cow’s milk, 2 reasons:
    1) Formula milk is costly!
    2) Hannah had started receiving her nutritional requirements from solid foods (got to ensure it is a balanced diet) and hence didn’t have to rely on formula anymore. Drinking cow’s milk is to mainly provide calcium and some fats. Her source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins and dietary fibre can be found in the solid foods I feed her. Of course, I started the transition when her digestive system was ready to handle solid/semi-solid foods.

    To warm up milk (usually cold as it has to be kept in the fridge), I pour out the required volume into one of her cups that has a measuring scale and then transfer it to a small pot to warm it up by stirring over the stove. I’d test the temperature by taking sips of the milk with a spoon and then transfer it milk back into the cup for drinking. I used to warm up cold milk using a hot water bath but it took 15 minutes! Stove is much faster – about 1 min. :)

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