Nana & Daddy

A few more pictures of Hannah and Daddy – this time shortly after lunch at Din Tai Fung on Tuesday afternoon.:)

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She looks awfully cute here, but over the long weekend she was a bit of a little tyrant at home! She went about bawling whenever she sensed the both of us was doing something else at home and not playing with her.

Given that we haven’t totally baby-proofed every part of the house yet apart from the living room and the workroom, Hannah’s movements are restricted to just those two places – and even only when at least one of us is in the same room and keeping an eye on her as she baby walks about the room, exploring every surface, and pulling out everything she can get her little hands on out of its place.

It’s indeed a little scary watching how fast she’s growing. Just a month ago she was still walking unsteadily, but right now she can easily stay right up.:)