Hannah and Diarrhoea

After the bouts of diarrhea she had while attending the infant care centre, Hannah still pass out semi-watery stools every now and then. In one of her diarrhea episodes, she poo-pooed up to 7 times a day! This type of stools, her pd told me, is acidic and brings about diaper rash easily. Even with mommy’s super vigilant checking of her diaper for ‘water bombs’, Hannah still kena diaper rash.

Both the pd and her infant care teacher suggested switching to soy formula to curb the problem. We did and it was like a miracle. Thank God that Hannah didn’t find the taste of soy formula yucky. Some babies kicked up a fuss when given soy formula.

A few months ago, I tried feeding Hannah plain yoghurt (I used Pauls) to increase the no. of beneficial bacteria in her gut whenever she started to show signs of diarrhea. It helps too. Her stools would become ‘just nice’ the next day. I’d usually scoop out 2 tablespoonfuls of yoghurt into a bowl, stir it to form a smooth paste, and then feed her with her baby spoon. It was interesting that she took to the acidity and coldness very well. In fact, she often couldn’t get enough of it :)