The sick and flu-lish

It has been two weeks and I’m still not recovered from this flu bug ravaging in me. I believe I got it from Hannah (from finishing the leftovers of her food). Then I passed it on to Yang when we accidentally shared a bowl of soup.

Poor Hannah. She has the bug for the longest time. For two weeks she was down with a runny nose, 1 day of high fever, 2 days of fever, another week of runny nose and cough and she still have these symptoms up till now.  She has lost weight and her chubbiness as a result.

Poor mommy. She has been ill and still has to continue to care for Hannah. She can’t sleep well in the night unless she sleeps in an upright position. She would cough non-stop if she sleeps horizontally. Her doctor prescribed some meds for her but they were too strong for her tummy and now she also has a sensitive stomach and diarrhoea not to mention occasional headaches.

Poor daddy. He has to bear the noise of mommy’s coughing throughout the night and wake up to fetch her some water to soothe her throat. He is also coughing and his throat is inflammed. He has been sent on additional errands because of his sick family.

Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

2 thoughts on “The sick and flu-lish

  1. Praying for the Foo family to recover from this flu bout… In the meantime do drink lots of water and take a double dose of Vitamin C! God bless you all…

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