I'm resigning!

I feel weird now that I’m going to quit teaching after being in this profession for 10+ years. We have decided that I quit teaching in order to spend more time with Hannah. Starting from next year, Hannah will go for half day at an infant care centre while I’ll take up relief teaching (under the scheme of adjunct teachers). According to my ‘finance minister’, this arrangement will not be too taxing on our home economy.

I’m a stay-at-home-mom at the moment as I’m on childcare leave. Although I’ve been keeping up with the news at home, my brain is somewhat still lacking in intellectual stimulation. My faculty up there was used to quick thinking, high speeds of processing information, problem-solving and multi-tasking within a short span of time. Sigh, I hope that doing some relief teaching can sharpen the fella up there.

But nothing beats watching my little one develop day by day :) It’s a joy to be with Hannah. :)