Living in Interesting Days

blog-scanning Who would have thought: viruses mutated with pigs thrown somewhere into the mixture.

These couple of days have been, well, interesting. 6 years ago in 2003 there was the SARS scare. I missed on all that though: I’d just arrived in Perth when the epidemic was just starting to spread in Australia. Aside from a few casual mentions of the virus in International News, there was little local reaction to the SARS scare.

In fact, the only time when I finally realized how big a concern the epidemic was in Singapore was when I returned to Singapore in June that year and saw thermal scanners set up at the airport.

This week in Singapore, there’s the glut of newly instituted medical checks and temperature taking procedures at so many places. All this is especially new to me. Ling on the other hand’s nonplussed about the whole thing. In fact, between the two of us, she’s experienced!

We were at Compass Point last week for a Subway dinner, when we had the following conversation. Ling asked:

“You know the swine virus thing? Do you think it’s possible that the virus was deliberately created then released so that some pharmacy company can sell its vaccine and make a lot of money..?”

I laughed:

“Dear, you’ve been watching too much Mission: Impossible!”