Day 10 @ Tokyo – Akihabara Electric Town

Akihabara – the mecca in Tokyo for all things manga and anime. And since the target demographic is routinely the same, it’s also the city’s famous district for all things electronic! I’m not really into manga or anime these days, but we needed a replacement powerbank since one of our two powerbanks went kaput just yesterday. There’s a large BIC Camera in Akihabara, so after taking the requisite pictures of the very colorful and vibrant street, we went into the electronic store to take a look. Pictures!

The start of the very colorful street of Akhibara and just a short one minute walk from the station.
The autumn colours juxtaposed against the buildings made for some stunningly contrast-y pictures.
The boulevard was closed to vehicular traffic on the Sunday today, so visitors were criss-crossing the wide road and taking pictures.
Red is for BIC Camera, Blue is for Yodobashi. LOL.
This was about midday when we visited. While I’m no longer fluent with what’s current in anime and I’ve never been a manga fan too, I would have happily spent a couple of hours in this area here just to browse electronic wares.
Like this floor at BIC Camera. All kinds of cameras and lenses for browsing and trying.
The BIC Camera store looked and felt smaller than the Yodabashi stores I’ve been to in Tokyo and Osaka though, but it still had a decent selection.
The missus asked if this is the famed Ichiran Ramen restaurant I’ve been talking about (no it isn’t).

That’s a wrap for our Day 10 exploration of additional bits of Tokyo. We’d be checking out of our hotel early morning tomorrow and heading to Nikko for two nights. We’d be back in Tokyo for one last night a week from now, but we’d be around Ueno then. Continued in the next day’s posts!

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