11 Days in Chūgoku & Kyushu – Day 07 – Kurashiki – Bikan Historical Quarter @ Sunset

As pretty as the Bikan Historical Quarter is, the scenery transforms into jaw dropping scenery from evening onward. I stayed on in Kurashiki that day specifically to take pictures of Kurashiki River at sunset, and the results didn’t disappoint. Most of the shops had closed for the day, which meant that there were fewer illumination sources than you would otherwise find in other night river spots. The pictures here were all shot using the Sony FE 28mm f2, in the second major night shoot outing this trip (the other was the sunset pictures taken at Fukuoka Tower on Day 2).

It was really quite lomantik. There were many young adult couples holding hands walking the canal, and more than a few dressed in traditional Japanese garb. It was romantic for me too – I had my Sony A73 haha!

That concludes Day 07 activities – pretty long series of posts! Next post continues in Hiroshima city.