Bali 2018 – Day 8 – Photography with Taksu Photos – Local Market

The second stop in the photo tour was a local market a short 15 minute drive from the spots we shot the sunrise over Mt. Agung. There was nary a tourist in sight, as the general area was now far from the well-trodden hot-spots, and I didn’t even see the expected lone Ang Mo adventurous traveler whom I’d still commonly see about Ubud. Nyoman, my host photographer, was clearly well-known in the market, since he does this half-day tour frequently. I don’t think I would have dared to take any pictures of the local folk and market vendors were it not be for the fact that he was with me throughout, conversed with the locals with light banter, and pointed out interesting persons or subjects (e.g. crates of chickens!) to take pictures. Most of the locals didn’t mind and many even posed, and those that did shyly just turned away as those of us who’re reluctant human subjects would.

The market comprised both an outdoor area selling fresh produce, and an indoor area that was fairly dark and largely illuminated only by secondary or ambient lighting. Eye-AF found it hard to keep too, as the Eye-AF couldn’t eye-focus on locals who didn’t look up. And the fairy slow aperture of f4.0 didn’t help, nor did the rather limited reach of 105mm. If only I’d remembered to bring the Sigma MC-11 adapter for the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 this trip!

A small selection from the about 400 pictures I took at this stop: