The Minton: Ideas and Renovation – 4

We concluded that we’d identified enough IDs for first proposals after last weekend’s visits. Most of the quotations as a result of those visitations have come in, and notwithstanding some back and forth for each proposal on the inevitable amendments (mostly because of our budgetary constraints, we’ve had to drop items from the original project scope), we’re now working towards a shortlist of 5 IDs we’ll like to invite for site measurements once we receive keys. Here are notes coming out of two more IDs we visited.

ID #7: belonged to a company that wasn’t initially in our identified list of ID companies to solicit proposals from. Rather, the company was one of several that was included in my request for quotation blast via a renovation portal here. However, I was won over by the ID’s promptness in email communication. So, we decided to go by the company for a visit, and after some back-and-off and several proposal iterations, we’ve received a finalized proposal that’s attractive enough. This company’s likely going into our shortlist. Ling’s less certain if she’d want to go with this company though. She observed that while our assigned designer has been very thoughtful and accessible throughout the week when requested for numerous amendments, we don’t have a track record to go with nor much by way of referrals, nor any idea what the project management experience of our assigned designer has. Something indeed to consider.

ID #8: was from a company in the heartland, and was a late submission. The initial quotation was pretty complete towards our initial project scope and relatively attractive in its asking price. We felt that warranted a visit in person. After the person-to-person discussion with our assigned designer though, we were left with mixed feelings. The middle-age designer was pleasant enough, but he also struck us as more a contractor than a designer. He didn’t seem very clear about space design nor ideation, and seemed to be somewhat reliant on us providing ideas on what we wanted to get out of the limited space we’ve got in each room, instead of offering us solutions.

Interestingly, four of the five (probable) shortlisted IDs produced quotations that were in the same, approximate, ballpark of each other for the same project scope, with the remaining one 15% higher in quoted price. Materials, quality of finishing of course differs from package to package, but on the criteria of price alone I think we’ve got a pretty good idea what is considered about average for the project scope we’re going for.

We visited also several other specialist contractors and vendors in the last two weekends – including for wardrobe design, aluminum vs ‘invisible’ grills, and mattresses. Lots of thoughts on those, and only a question of whether either of us have the inclination to blog about them! One thing’s for certain though; a Singapore-styled renovation is not cheap. Bargains can be had if you look hard enough and are willing to take time to sift through the many variations and options for each item that goes towards preparing and furnishing a new home. The question remains though if we actually will be able to find that kind of time, nor possess the patience to find the best bargain!


2 thoughts on “The Minton: Ideas and Renovation – 4

  1. Hi CY, The Minton’s photos are just so GREAT! it was really interesting to see all the photos which you have put up.. Although, i am also a proud owner of “The Minton”, it was only now that things get excited as TOP approaches. Would you mind sharing with me the ID names as I have only just started to looking around for ID firms.

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