Hannah’s new hair cut

Ling has to trim Hannah’s fringes ever so often, so we decided to put her through a proper haircut for a change. Just for fun, we went with the $10 / 10 minute haircut. She was very well-behaved, possibly due in part over the last couple of days we’d been preparing her for this first experience (“Hannah, auntie will be cutting your hair on Saturday ok?”) – though it took around 20 minutes for the barber to be done with her. Both pictures below taken using the new 14mm f2.5.

Definitely going to be much easier for either of us to wash her hair every night during her bath.
Definitely going to be much easier for either of us to wash her hair every night during her bath.
She has a two-inch long light scar on her cheek, courtesy of her pre-nursery friend who scratched her. Or rather, "He's not my friend anymore." as she says!
She has a two-inch long light scar on her cheek, courtesy of her pre-nursery friend who scratched her. Or rather, “He’s not my friend anymore.” as she says!

She still prefers long hair though.:)

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