2 Years 1 Month 2 Weeks

If anyone still has any lingering doubt that we have our difficult moments with Hannah, this picture should clear it up once and for all:


On this evening, her ‘terrible two’ routine started when we began her winding down routine for the evening (bathing, last milk feed, teeth brushing, medicine taking, and going to bed), and resulted in a standoff between both women of the household.

That Hannah was emotionally affected by her tantrums showed when we finally put her down for the night too. She was noticeably less jovial, and couldn’t bring herself to say her usual “good night mah-mee and good night dah dee” too. She sort of sniffed a little and cuddled into a ball hugging her stuff dog to sleep.

All that said, we’re still thankful that nights like these are more the exception than norm. =)