Hannah @ Libraries

Hannah has been to the nearby libraries for a couple of times now. Here is a sample of her manners so far:

1st time to the children’s section: tried to sit on EVERY chair and stool

When it was time to leave: wailed at the top of her voice when mommy struggled to carry her out

3rd – 4th time at the library: busy taking books off the shelf and bringing them to a kiddy table, sat down for a few seconds…then went off to take more books off the shelf…rinse and repeat over and over again until mommy had to get her to return those books

last couple of times: gave mommy a book and said, "mommy read wah…" and when I started reading to her, she got off her chair to get more books…!!! Rinse and repeat… – _ – |||

Photos of her latest visit to a library: