Hannah’s first tooth brush

As far as teeth development is concerned, Hannah is really lagging behind the average baby. At 18 months, she has a total of 6 full teeth and 4 in the midst of sprouting.

In any case, we have made the transition from wash cloth cleaning to a tooth brush. Got her the stage 1 from Oral B. The standard routine after her bottle of milk every night is: brush her teeth, cleaning gums and tongue with a wash cloth, put on her pajamas, say her prayer, some daddy cuddle, and off to bed in her cot.

Recently, I have started her on holding her own tooth brush and brush her teeth. I’d sit her on a stool on the sink countertop where she could see herself in the mirror. Next, I tell Hannah to look at herself in the mirror and then I’d show my teeth to encourage her to do the same. When that happens, I’d then proceed to guide the tooth brush into her mouth and start the brushing motion. The brushing part gets quite clumsy sometimes but she gets the idea (whatever it is!).

Here are some photos Yang captured of her trying to brush, and with my assistance. :)


4 thoughts on “Hannah’s first tooth brush

  1. Hey Ling, what time does Hannah have her last bottle and then off to bed? I’m trying to ‘train’ Gabrielle to have a night-time routine too. She sleeps at about 10pm but I haven’t been able to give her a last bottle at a specific time. She now has 8 teeth, but I haven’t been diligent to use the cloth to clean her teeth and tongue. After reading your entry, I think I should start!

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Hannah’s routine for each night is as follows:

    8:00 pm: bath (she needs 2 baths a day – mega sweaty baby!)
    8.10 pm: mommy prep her milk while she waits or plays a little (I don’t prep her milk before her bath as she needs this time to allow her hair to dry)
    8:15 pm: drinks milk & then some water
    8:25 pm: brush teeth, clean gum & tongue, a final wipe for her face, hands & feet
    8:35 pm: change into her sleepsuit (apply insect repellent on her clothing on needs basis)
    8.40 pm: pray together, daddy cuddle, goodnight kiss, put her down to bed.

    She usually knocks out within 10-15 mins time.

    Have you tried using those tooth brushes where you could insert your finger in it? I found them to be quite useful as starters.

  3. Thanks for sharing this Ling :) I’m trying to think of what kind of routine we have now, and whether it’s helpful for her. Right now it’s been very flexible, and seems to be somewhat directed by Gabrielle herself, especially the sleeping times.

    Ok I’ll try those type of toothbrushes… right now I’m using a cloth and she bites my finger in the cloth! Will have to persist to get her used to the sensation of having her mouth cleaned.

    You and Yang have a great trip! I’m sure Hannah is going to miss you both!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    You’re welcomed! :)

    We’re going to miss our dear girl on our trip too.

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