Hannah’s First Wheels

The range of groceries and fresh produce at supermarkets actually make for great photos, what with the explosion of colors, different textures and convergent lines. Though as these places go, I don’t think the supermarkets themselves would be very comfortable with the customers bringing in big cameras to do photo shoots inside there. It’s also a Singaporean thing – that many shop proprietors just don’t like pictures taken of their premises. Lots of news media of amateur photographers getting chased away here when they do something as innocuous as taking a quick picture of a storefront.

That’s where the E-PL1 has come in very handy for quick pictures of Hannah exercising her increasingly heightened senses. Whenever we do our grocery shopping at NTUC, Hannah routinely moves around in her baby pram.

We’ve started to try putting her in the trolley seat, though she seems to exhibit mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, the higher sitting point above ground lets her have a more commanding view of her surroundings. On the other hand, it’s back-facing. So she routinely has to turn her head around to see where the trolley’s going.:)

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