3 Weeks to 1

Hannah’s first birthday is coming up very soon. As these things go in this part of the world, the first birthday requires a sort of celebration event with family, relatives and friends invited.

I’m rarely at ease hosting any sort of function that extends beyond my immediate family. Ling’s alright with it though, but nonetheless, early on the two of us decided to keep Hannah’s birthday celebration to just immediate families.

Timing’s tough too because we’re packed on that weekend: a small group friend’s wedding on the Saturday (5th June), then Hannah’s birthday on the Sunday (6th June), and I’ll be flying off on Monday (7th June).

As we discovered earlier this week though: we might not have any sort of celebration after all. Our place’s function room is fully booked that weekend. Our place can’t host 15 people with catering tables. It looks likely that we might just do a quiet birthday event for Hannah with just the three of us.