Tired Mommy, Sickly Baby

Ling was lamenting on our way home from work yesterday that she was starting to reconsider keeping Hannah at the Infant Care Center, and it’s down to one specific reason: the potential for our little one to pick up all manner of diseases and viruses.

The both of us were cognizant of this risk before putting Hannah to the Center and were mentally prepared to keep up when Hannah inevitably falls ill. But what’s taken us by surprise though – as Ling said yesterday – is the frequency Hannah’s been picking up viruses.

Actually, Ling was less tactful than that: she said she was very tired of Hannah falling ill LOL.


To be fair though, there’s no hard evidence to show that Hannah’s falling ill because of what she’s picked up from the center. Heck, she could be ill because of viruses carried by either of us but which didn’t affect Ling or me. But outside the both of us, Hannah isn’t in any other kind of sustained proximity to other persons outside her companions at infant care.

There are a couple of other options, including revisits to possible plans we had last year. But like before, nothing’s ideal. We did think again about seeking Lentor assistance, but that got tossed out equally quick again in view that grandparents really aren’t young anymore and that we didn’t want to be too dependent on our parents for our own offspring.

blog-2010-hannah-OLYP0684-sickWe also considered a nanny option which would let Ling still keep herself occupied with some work while Hannah’s taken care of. Apart from the higher costs involved though however, there’s also Hannah missing out on lots of learning activities she gets from infant care – including social interaction with other babies.

Anyway, Ling brought Hannah back to see her PD again: the third such visit in about a week. The latter was certain that Hannah was afflicted with some sort of viral infection (that thankfully isn’t chicken pox apparently), so prescribed a tray full of medicine. Hannah fortunately takes to the medicine quite well this time. On a couple of occasions previously, feeding Hannah her get-well drugs involved the both of us: one to physically restrain her, and the other person to actually do the feeding LOL.

The two pictures here were taken last night. Our poor girl looks quite tired and not in her usual happy self. If you look closely, apart from that her nose area looks runny, you’ll also see little specks of dried mucus around her eyes too. We suspect that’s the result of Hannah rubbing her hands on her nose (which she does very often whether she’s ill or not) on every part of her face, including her eyes. Her body temperature was fluctuating between 37 to 38°C too.

Well, at least the skin infections seem to be nearly all gone. Small steps.:)

2 thoughts on “Tired Mommy, Sickly Baby

  1. Hi didi,

    Hannah has recovered from her high fever just yesterday. She’s now recovering from runny nose and cough. Thanks for your well wishes :)

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