Baby Lessons: The Tummy Magic

Hannah can roll over at last! :)

Initially, I was worried about not giving her enough tummy time to strengthen her neck and back muscles for rolling over. Her paediatrician assured me that it was alright. So on one fine day in week 17, Hannah just rolled over from on her back to lying on her belly. I was both relieved and glad.

As for Hannah herself, she would fuss a bit now and then in her new tummy position. She wriggles a lot with her arms and legs. The toys hanging by the side of her cot must have attracted her to flip to that side often. It has been fun watching her on her tummy as she would lift and turn her head and smile cheerfully at me whenever I called out to her. Another wonderful outcome of her lying on the tummy is the ability to nap peacefully for longer periods of time in the day. I love the tummy! :P