Student Barbeques

blog-bbq-01 Working as an educator of 18+ year olds + that you live in a condominium can be quite a lethal combination… because your students will find every opportunity at semester break to hold barbeque events at your place.

I’m staff advisor / counselor / agony aunt to one such group of students in the game development program at work, and they’ve been with me for 2.5 years now. They’re all final year students and will be graduating next April. As is fast becoming their ritual every semester break, barbeque events get organized, and The Rivervale was ‘volunteered’ again to be the spot.

To be fair though, this must be like their fifth or sixth BBQ event in 2.5 years, and they’re having it at my place for just the second time. And besides – that hefty management conservancy fee we pay every month… we hardly use the pool or the gym, so it’s just as well that at least the BBQ pits get used.

The pit is in quite a nice location; beside the main road, right next to a washing basin, and sheltered / seating areas. It’d just rained for several hours too, so the evening was quite cooling.

The students are all quite experts at this sort of thing already, though funnily one person got ‘assigned’ to do most of the cooking and grilling. I’m not big on BBQed food as a rule – all that carbon getting into the food = early cancer. I like the activity of grilling though, and I suspect that’s to do with my learning how to cook since my Perth days.

I’m gonna miss this group of students when they graduate next year. This is my first group of students that I’m seeing through over three years at the school. But there’ll always be photographic memories like these, and even if not, Facebook then.
