Upcoming films

Watching films at the theatre is harder these days now that Hannah’s around, and yeah no – watching films alone isn’t an option for me. Ling gives me dagger looks if I even broach the idea!

Typically, our arrangement though is to catch films only on the odd weekend, and only if parents are free to help look after Hannah for a couple of hours. It helps that parents are all too happy to spend time with Hannah too, and that mum is a confident and sure hand when taking care of little tots. Hannah has also been very well-behaved whenever she’s at Lentor, though the minute she’s back at The Rivervale, she’ll typically begin wailing and grumbling again LOL.

In any case, there’s a bunch of upcoming films I’m interested in catching. They include:

District 9: directed by Peter Jackson of LOTR trilogy. Unusual in so many respects: the location of the shoot (Johannesburg), the fact that no big names are attached to it, that it’s being made for a paltry sum of USD 30 million (spare change in Hollywood’s mega hundred million dollar budgets), and the story of aliens stuck on Earth and just trying to seek refuge.

2012: directed by Roland Emmerich, and yep yet another disaster motion picture. He sure has a thing for this genre! This one has a turkey premise – it’s based on that 2012 Doomsday Prediction. No, I don’t believe in that sort of thing, but if it gives good entertainment (and laughs), why not LOL.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. This film starring Jake Gyllenhaal in the title role is still nearly a year away, but there’s already a lot of interest in it. The film is based on the popular video game character, and this is one video game-inspired film that Ling at least has an impression on since she helped me in one of those games.:)

Avatar: directed by James Cameron, Hollywood’s most famous person for spending ungodly amounts of money when making films. But unlike Michael Bay, Cameron has proven he’s got director chops – he made Aliens, Titanic, and Terminator 2. The film is in 3D, and looks to supersede what Beowulf achieved.
