Fireworks Festival

A colleague was asking if I was intending to do the Fireworks shoot this year. Unfortunately, with Hannah that’s gonna be real difficult.

Besides, one thing about the NDP fireworks is that as spectacular they are, they aren’t really different year to year, the moreso that the venue’s the same as last year so any pictures taken would still have more/less the same backdrop unless one changes the shooting spot too.

So this year, I’ll be watching NDP from the comfort of home. And if it rains again this year, it’ll be hard resisting an evil laugh.:)

2 thoughts on “Fireworks Festival

  1. -.-||| tell me about it…

    but at least when hannah is old enough to appreciate fireworks and maybe even your nikon, you can tell her how daddy, mummy and a crazy aunty huddled in the rain for a couple of hours to get those shots LOL

  2. Ya, and got photo evidence too; we had photos of pouring rain and umbrella huddling.:)

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