The West Wing

blog-westwing I remarked briefly here the other week that The West Wing is one of the best three drama TV series I’ve followed. The series is set in the White House and is about the fictional presidential administration of Josiah Bartlet, a Democrat president over his two year term.

The series ended a few years ago after 7 seasons, and is still regarded as one of the most intelligent series that’s rooted in current or recent political and world issues. In fact, I remembered during the 2004 (real world) Presidential elections, more than a few people openly remarked that they would have far preferred the fictional President Bartlet, played by actor Martin Sheen, over a certain cowboy that got reelected back into office.

Every episode is a gem, with genuinely likable characters in the main cast. Unlike The Sopranos’ cast of even more lovable characters but who do (very) evil and morally irreprehensible things most of the times, The West Wing has a feel-good about itself as they go about doing the right and honorable things in typically very difficult situations. You get great insights into the inner workings of the American political system, a significant benefit of having former Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers on the production team who made sure that the White House was portrayed as accurately as possible.

Just to show the immense amount of learning that goes on in each episode, here’re the things I learnt within the first 12 minutes of an episode I randomly chose: that…

Chess was invented in India, and its historical origins (e.g. how the old Indian kings played chess).

Geography: where the South-china sea is, and the significance of the Taiwan Strait.

Current political affairs: tensions between Taiwan and China, and the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.

Persons: Tansen – the greatest composer-musician in Hindustani classical music

What a Fibonacci opening in chess is:

… and all in the first 12 minutes alone, and that’s including the several minutes of opening credits roll!

Best of all; Ling’s hooked on the series too when I started rewatching all seven seasons after finishing the Star Trek Voyager run.:)