How to be a lunatic

Here’s one lesson you get from reading the news this week: Two Ways on How to be a Lunatic!

Method #1: Jump in with Polar Bears

blog-polarbearsLike this woman here who did just that at the Berlin Zoo. Got viciously attacked by the polar bears – who would have guessed – but miraculously survived as she was pulled out by the very brave zoo keepers before the bears really did more damage than merely bite… like bite off the limb. She’s in critical condition now though.

It really brings to mind those commentaries about other similar incidents of people who consciously climb over fences into animal enclosures and tempt fate: do they expect animals with those big paws and huge teeth to behave differently?

Method #2:Be a Somali Pirate

You just need to hijack an American ship, then refuse all opportunities to surrender. Then wait to be surrounded by the US Navy.

Should check these three guys: they just proved that you really don’t want to fool around with Navy SEALs. Their three collective heads connected with the business end of sniper rifles used by the Most Scary Elite Force in the world today LOL.
