Bowl of Fun

blog-bowling-DSC_7287 Every half a year, my department goes out to do something fun. OK, that doesn’t mean what we do on a daily basis isn’t enjoyable – we’re in the game development department already – but the fun here is to get out of campus and do something different.

We’ve had board game afternoons and archery shoots. So this time round, our department ‘morale officer’ (haha!) arranged for a bowling outing at SAFRA Tampines.

Now this was my first time bowling, and I was pretty sure of two things. Firstly, I’d be a longkang (drain) sweeper. Secondly, I’d hate the whole experience.

Well, one of two predictions coming true isn’t too bad. I was a longkang sweeper, but the experience was, surprisingly, enormously fun!

OK, so I had absolutely no methodology or clue on the proper way to bowl. But it was fun to play in such utter ignorance, and it helped that short of a few persons in my department, most of us were equally as noob.

But there were plenty of camaraderie, laughter and jokes which made even all the bowling foul-ups laugh riots even.

Like the picture below which was perhaps my singular moment of glory:


Yep, I operate only in binary mode – either ‘one’ or ‘zero’. A colleague quipped charitably, “Chek Yang abstained for two rounds” LOL.

Were that only true, because the final tallies for the two games read like the following:



I actually got worse from the first to the second game haha.:)

2 thoughts on “Bowl of Fun

  1. You may wish to know that your two nephews have consistently scored around 160+ points at bowling, while I’ve managed 205 recently (Wii version only). Guess that we’ll have to take a 75% discount off our scores when we hoist the real mccoy down the gutters. I doubt Isaac can even lift it…

  2. We can try arranging a bowling outing sometime then. I think there’re bowling balls intended for junior players.:)

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