Tissue Box

One of those little things that required adjustment in a marriage is one’s individual preferences for movies. Personally, I enjoy movies themed around the indomitable human spirit the most, e.g. movies like Apollo 13 or TV series like Band of Brothers.

Ling on the other hand prefers movies that don’t involve a lot of swearing, exploding things or flesh-consuming critters from outer space. Now and then whenever we’re both free on a weekend afternoon, she’d prompt me to dig into our library of DVD movies and find a romantic movie. It must be a girl thing. So chick flicks like Enchanted, Just Like Heaven, Sweet Alabama, 27 Dresses – all those are her thing.

Now, as far as those romantic movies are concerned though, there’s a bunch I still haven’t dug out to watch with her. For example, the three movies based on books by Nicholas Sparks. He’s a current American author who’s written a bunch of bestseller movies, several of which are of the love + tradegy type. And everyone of those three movie adaptions already released are tearjerkers. There’s Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, and A Walk to Remember.

How’s that? Well, bluntly put… I don’t think I can handle a sobbing woman who’s crying her eyes out because the two lovers on the screen can never be together because of an accident / illness / whatever and take yer pick.

Hey I know what I’ll do. I’ll just dig out the DVDs and put them on the TV cabinet. Ling is enjoying part of her year-end break now, so she can watch them all without me LOL.

4 thoughts on “Tissue Box

  1. Dear, I where got cry my eyes out over some tragic love story in movies one? Only tear a bit the most! And BTW, I don’t enjoy tragic love stories.

  2. ling is pregnant now better watch funny movies. i recommend stephew chow!!! LOL

    anw, i LOVE watching romance movies n will cry until got mountain of tissue if it’s really sad… hahaha… i cry even at short touching clips like the one on TV about family… this girl n her widowed father n he mended her shoe one… chris doesn’t like to watch these so i watch w my girlfriends. there’s one korean show which is my favourite “The Classic” wa! that one i really cry er.

    anw ling, i’m having hols too n grace is working from home if u need company, call us! ;)

  3. btw i don’t like tragic endings… but like those in between v cham then finally together kind or got sweet nice ending one…

    of cos, i like those not so sad romance movies like “kate and leopold”, “sense n sensibility”, “pride n prejudice (must be BBC one hor!)” too ^^

  4. Hi Ann, thanks for the offer to keep me company. :) BTW, since it is hols now, feel free to hop over for a swim! :D

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