Kids @ 40-15mm f2.8 etc. – Part 30

Hannah has finally finished pre-school and will be progressing onto Primary One next year. She’s been really looking forward to starting in a new environment and meeting new friends and teachers, so much so that every night at bed time she’ll ask us to tell her about her P1 school again. We shared with her too that over time, she’ll be making friends and forgetting old ones – including her pre-school ones. Rather than get emotional about it, she’s resolved to make memories of her old friends, including taking pictures and also inviting them over to our home for play dates this December break.

One such break was just yesterday, and one segment of which saw the kids head over to the Minton waterplay area for fun and activities. Another opportunity to fish out the new 40-150mm f2.8 lens for pictures! The selection below was shot using this lens, with several at maximum focal length (though not always wide-opened), which provided some interesting depth of field levels. The subject distance made possible by the long focal-length enabled non-intrusive pictures – none of the shots below were posed.

X marks the spot I was situated, with many shots taken from across the water play area.
X marks the spot I was situated, with many shots taken from across the water play area.
Intrepid explorers, these two - as they navigate across the wide rope ladders!
Intrepid explorers, these two – as they navigate across the wide rope ladders!
This one's a nearer shot at 60mm (120mm equivalent).
This one’s a nearer shot at 60mm (120mm equivalent).
The shallow end of the kids' waterplay area is safe enough for Peter actually.
The shallow end of the kids’ waterplay area is safe enough for Peter actually.
Though not the deeper end though, which reaches past his belly button. Mommy is just off-camera though.
Though not the deeper end though, which reaches past his belly button. Mommy is just off-camera though.

The next major outing for the lens will be the upcoming Club Med trip, so more to come soon!