Work-in-Progress – Part 28

We bought Peter to his PD this morning for a check on a possible skin condition, and were relieved that it was nothing serious but just a mild case of neonatal Eczema. Here’s a noon-time visit to The Minton after Ling settled back at home for Peter’s late morning feed. Bits of visible improvement again to the construction. Interestingly, the cascading waterfall seemed to have been turned down in intensity, so the rushing water din I heard during last week’s visit was far less noisy this time round. In fact, the sound was finally therapeutic, to use another resident’s descriptor.

The Amazonian Lily Pond has received its next base layer. Wonder if this is the last layer before the water gets pumped in.
Observation islands at the Lily Pond have been installed with support beams for the wooden decks later.
What looks like the Pond’s BBQ pit area is also currently getting its wooden deck installed.
The Fun World play areas have received their first base paint coat.
Some new development work going on at the Checkerboards too.
Wooden deck at the Atas Diner looks done!
Slider at the Treehouse has been installed. Hannah and Peter are going to go nuts over this one and running up and down the platform.
The Grand Entrance Signage has gone up.
…. and this gave me a laugh! Sensor-based car bay system!
The other feature wall has been installed with flora to.

3 thoughts on “Work-in-Progress – Part 28

  1. It’s really starting to round out! Nice!

    The checkerboard reminds me of Butcherblock from EQ.

  2. Hi coco; end of September is the current estimate provided by some residents now I think.

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