Weekends and 35mm – Part 4

I just realized that it’s been a month since I posted up pictures of Hannah using the 35mm! She’s just about a month away to three years old, and we’ve been teaching her to recognize the significance of her coming birthday too (see picture below!). She’s also picked up the birthday cake she wants: it’ll be my favorite too: the Green Tea Mocha cake from BreadTalk. Our angmo bud is definitely very familiar with that cake.=)

We’ve been getting her to count her twenty birthdates too. And it goes something like that: “Hannah is going to be three years old! After that, four years old! After that five years old! … etc… all the way to twenty.”

“Hannah is going to be three years old!”
Shot a couple of stops down from f1.8 – at f2.2. The living room was a little dark with strong lighting in the background too.
A beautiful smile from our girl.=)

The shops here have finally receive substantial stocks of the Olympus EM5. DPReview has given it a solid thumbs-up too. Must… resist… temptation!

8 thoughts on “Weekends and 35mm – Part 4

  1. Great photos of a great girl! I can’t wait to get back and see her again.

  2. Aww.. such a sweet girl!

    Ling, how did Hannah fare with the ‘terrible twos’? My Isabelle is 26mths old, and my goodness, she certainly stands her ground when it comes to her “want” and “don’t” very well (with us only though. In public around other kids, she can be very timid!). We’re blessed that most of the time she is a sweet and loving, and full of fun and laughter though. KIDS! :-D

  3. Hi Matt,

    Heard from Yang that you’re very likely to visit soon! Have you shortlisted the places / countries which you would like to visit for this time round? :)

  4. Hi Anna,

    Ah, the terrible two! Actually, now that Hannah is nearing her 3rd birthday, I’d say that her terrible two revealed its ugly face periodically for a couple of months (somewhere between 20 – 26 months) and then it sort of disappear after that. One of the most useful parenting approaches we discovered was to provide limited options (think carefully and creatively!) to our girl when she was making demands. On one hand, we provided an outlet for her to express her wishes and on the other, we engineered the difficult situation to result in a win-win situation.

    I got my ideas from this book ‘Positive Discipline for Preschoolers’ and have blogged about it a few times. If you’re interested to read on, just type ‘positive discipline’ on the search engine on the top right hand corner of our webpage and all my posts on it will appear. Actually, this book was written for 3-6 years old tots. The same authors have written for 2 years old too.

  5. I’ll probably get to Malaysia once while I’m in town, though I’m not sure where. Maybe Langkawi? It’d be fun if we could synchronize a trip there together sometime. :) Now, if only I can get enough work done here to escape for 2 or 3 weeks!

    I think your advice about providing limited options is very sound. When Garrett was that age, it appeared that he wanted to test the parameters of our authority. If we were patient enough to present him with suitable options, he was much easier to deal with.

  6. Hi Ling

    Thank you so much for your valuable input (and Matt too!)

    I’ve just read through all your related blog posts to do with Positive Discipline (I remember reading some of them when I started following your blog last year) and I’m breathing a sigh of relief as it seems that my hubby and I have been advocating similar tactics in dealing with Isabelle when she tries to push the boundaries. I’d discovered a while back that if I get angry and raise my voice it only results in the both of us getting upset, and then she will ‘reject’ my efforts to do anything else for her thereafter. Being in sync with our partners help too – sometimes when hubby reprimands Isabelle and she gets all tearful and would not listen, i’ll step in and use a gentler approach and she listens (it works the other way round too). :)

    I will take note of your advice regarding ‘limited options’ too… better try and get the wheels in my head turning round and round! heehee…I work full-time (Mon-Fri) so I really only have weekends with Isabelle.. anyway, thanks again Ling! :)

  7. Hi Matt,

    Great to hear that! Looking forward to have you here with us again. So, I suppose you’re giving Bali a miss this time? Hee hee :)

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