Western Australia – Day 3 – Ancient Empire Walk @ Valley of the Giants

The walk through Ancient Empire is taken by many visitors right after the Treetop Walk: after you walk among the top-most leaves of the majestic Tingle trees, you go back to level ground to walk among them. A completely different experience here for certain!

The early versions of our itinerary didn’t include the Ancient Empire, on account that we didn’t do this walk in 2003, and I didn’t even know such existed. Thanks to Ling who did a bit more research over the area and strongly encouraged we do it – and the family admission price bundles the two together even if not. The walk is well-paved with wooden planks and nets that further add grip in wet weather, and one round in the circuit can be completed in about 45 minutes – if you especially take your time. A speed-walk will probably take just 10 minutes on the other hand.

We started our walk at about 11AM, and saw a few more groups of visitors than at the Treetop walk we’d just finished. Still plenty of space between groups, and we had no difficulties taking our time to setup family shots on remote trigger, nor the numerous 360 photos and videos we did (will post those when we’re back at home!). Tripadvisor notes again though that the place can get real crowded, so one will have to be mindful of visitation times.

There is also a guided tour that runs every few hours, though the ticketing officer at Admissions remarked that it’s not necessary to wait for the guided tour – on account that the trees have informative plaques where relevant. Or maybe she was just trying to persuade us not to be on the guided tour and save everyone the effort? LOL.

Pointed the E-M1 skywards and took dozens of very tall tingle trees!
Kids are dwarfed by the average tree on the ground.
Look hard and you’ll know why this is called the Grandma Tingle!
Many of the trees @ Ancient Empire have adult-height holes. We wonder how they came about.
Yep; as tall as we can see.
H is now the secondary operator of the Samsung Gear 360 camera.
H has also taken over Tripod Girl duties – and she volunteered.:)
Us @ Ancient Empire!

A 360 degree view of the Ancient Empire:

[vrview img=”https://www.chekyang.com/musings/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/SAM_100_0099-ancient-empire-reduced.jpg” ]

We spent about 1 hr 45 minutes at the Valley, then drove the relatively short 20km back to Walpole – more on that in the next post!