Hannah @ Evening Light

It’s been a while since I’ve taken evening pictures, and have forgotten how wonderful the colors can turn out with a good low-light lens. The following were taken yesterday evening at our cellgroup friend’s apartment block near Punggol Drive. We’d arrived early, so explored the nicely landscaped herb garden at the second level for a bit. The garden had several fruit plants that seemed nicely cultivated. All taken  using the E-M5 and 20mm lens.

Very warm lighting evident from the picture. This was around 7:15 PM.
Mommy and Hannah poking each other, while the duck is getting choked.:)
Reaching out to touch bananas.
Going for the Tin Pei Ling Kate Spade look!

A bit of a funny incident yesterday too. Hannah has learnt not to reply ‘what?!” whenever we ask her a question. While driving home yesterday, when Ling inadvertently responded with the same when she couldn’t hear what I was saying, Hannah chimed immediately; “Mommy, cannot say ‘what’!. It’s very rude, you know!”

That got us chuckling, and again mindful of how quickly young children pick things up and are able to apply them to all kinds of situations they believe similar.:)

3 thoughts on “Hannah @ Evening Light

  1. Haha! When they become teenagers we parents no longer require a conscience — our kids will be more than happy to point out when we’re wrong.

    Mister Duck sure gets around!

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