Treaty Negotiations

In February this year, I wrote here about Hannah’s newly developed abilties in sentence construction. Six months and today, she’s not only able to form sentences, she can now string them together into conversations but also negotiate with us when she desires something and give us instructions even!

Some of the funniest and most recent examples of this have been over her TV routine during evenings. Typically, the two of us rewatch episodes of one of our favorite comedy series Scrubs first over dinner while she (impatiently) waits her turn for one or at most two Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes (each is about 24 minutes long) about half the evenings in a week. Now, Scrubs‘s theme song ends with the line “I’m no Superman.” So the other evening she asked:

“Today we watch Mickey Mouse first, then after that I’m no Supermien K?” (negotiation)

Then after her first episode which had some video artifacting (it came off Youtube):

“Mommy can we not watch this one next time? That one had stop-stop.” (negotiation)

And after the two episodes:

“Daddy, please switch off the TV!” (instruction)

And each time, it brings us a chuckle!

And a totally unrelated picture taken over the weekend morning while grocery shopping at AMK Hub:

Very attached to a box of wooden paper clips we picked up at Fairprice. She’ll probably cry buckets when she learns they’re not for her but for her Teacher.=)

1 thought on “Treaty Negotiations

  1. Very cute. I wish I had committed to memory Garrett’s first sentences, especially now that he’s a teenager and not really in the mood to talk to his parents anymore!

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