Hannah @ 2 Years 1 Month 3 Weeks

We haven’t been posting many pictures of Hannah, so we better get back to it! Here’s a bunch of pictures taken this evening; just after her evening bath and before her last feed for the night.


Before anyone gets the wrong idea again; Hannah been giving us a really hard time several occasions these few days already! She’s been more ready to switch easily to tantrum mode when she doesn’t get her way, and less willing to listen to the both of us when that happens. And last night, she woke up crying a grand total of five times! Daddy slept right through the first four times (and tended to the fifth), but poor Mommy woke up for the first four.

Speaking of pictures taking too; that Lumix 20mm f1.7 for my E-PL2 is looking better and better. It costs a royal bomb though. I’ll have to decide soon whether to bite the bullet and just go for it. =(

4 thoughts on “Hannah @ 2 Years 1 Month 3 Weeks

  1. Adorable! Tantrums or not, at least you’ve got some great shots of the good times.

  2. She’s among her most delightful usually at this time of the day, every evening. Right after her bath. =)

    The increasing fussiness though is very real. Just this morning; she’s woken up twice – once at 1 AM where she did a major din and refused to sleep (Ling handled that one and from her eye bags this morning, it was real tough!), and another at 5 AM. Thankfully I had an easier time coaxing her back to sleep then. =)

  3. Gabrielle is like that too.Frustrated when she doesn’t get her way, and hits people when it happens. Trying to teach her to be patient, and she seems to know what ‘wait’ means now. But she will just have to learn that she cannot always have things her way.

    Our biggest challenge now: to have her stay in her highchair during meals. She tends to want to walk after she’s done but while all of us are still eating… can’t blame her because she’s bored I guess. But trying to socialise her into communal meal times is the big thing for now…

  4. Hmm. Now that you’ve mentioned it Lisa, Hannah isn’t violent (yet!) when in tantrum mode. If she’s crying, she’ll basically wail, stay near us, and try to cling onto Mommy while in the din. If she’s sulking because she refuses to do something we ask her to, she’ll avert all eye contact, look at her feet, hug her stuffed dog and basically close up. =)

    Half of her dinners these days are communal and with the both of us, but that’s only when we’re having something that she can partake too. We’re lucky that she eats everything (last weekend it was carbonara pasta LOL), and for communal dinners, she’ll eat briskly shoveling food continuously into her mouth, and when done will linger around and try to sit between us.

    If she’s eating separately, she still seems to have outgrown that phase about wanting to get out. We had to thunder at her a few times several months earlier on when she tried to stand on her high chair, so she seems to recognize now that that’s dangerous behavior.

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