The Mosquito Returns

SIGH. Five mozzie bites on her cutsie, chubby face!! And just a week away from CNY – she would not be fit to meet people! I know I know, nobody would mind except for mommy.

Well, I felt like donning the white flag after trying out various preventive measures against mosquito bites while Hannah sleeps during the night time. Our apartment is situated near the ground level where there are plenty of bushes and trees. The tendency of getting buzzed by some unwelcomed guests is much higher. As adults, we had our blankets and fans to ward off the mozzies but it is not advisable to always point the fan directly at a baby / toddler especially on a cold night.

So far, we have tried the following:

Plan A. Mosquito netting over Hannah’s cot. It was the best solution until our girl was strong enough to yank off the net together with its metallic support.

Plan B. Anti-mosquito patches on Hannah’s pajamas. She peeled them off and thought it was some sort of a toy. :(

Plan C. Apply army’s insect-repellent on the wooden panels of her cot. Stopped after one attempt as she licked at these panels sometimes.

Plan D. Stuck the anti-mosquito patches at inconspicuous spots of her cot but she found them out later. Kena peeled off by ‘you-know-who’.

Plan E. Hung packs of citronella beads at her window and her cot. No prize for guessing the fate of those packs at her cot.

Plan F: Sprayed insect repellent on her pajamas. Mozzies still bite the exposed hands, face and neck.

After the recent mozzie attack, we were all prepared to invest on mosquito screens for the windows in her room (i.e. plan G). Thing is, this is no 100% guarantee against being bitten by the blood suckers. All it takes is just one hungry female on the loose which has managed to sneak pass into the house…

In one last ditch effort before embarking on plan G, I dug out her old mosquito netting and tried to use it on her cot. To our amazement, Hannah allowed the netting to serve its purpose of creating a no-fly zone. We’ll watch and see then. One night at a time.

5 thoughts on “The Mosquito Returns

  1. Go buy those electric anti-mozzies cum light devise from DIY shops. It works wonder for me!

  2. Hi Wenyi,

    Thanks for your suggestion! We were keen to get those devices too but decided against it after reading up more about their effectiveness on the Internet.

    This sounds like a good backup plan to me. Could you send me a hyperlink to the product’s brand and photo? Thanks again! :D

  3. oh dear that is SO irritating!

    I have been waking up in the middle of the nite and killing the mozzie that bit me! (evil =p) Hannah can do so when she’s bigger! :)

  4. It is accounts like this that make me so grateful that mosquitoes (almost) never bother with me. It sounds like a terrific nuisance. At this rate you three will have to wear ventilated body bags to get through Pulau Ubin for biking and Chek Jawa wetlands exploration!

  5. Hi Matt, another reason for you to migrate to Singapore. You’re made to thrive here!

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