More Development Milestones

Hannah’s vocabulary has been growing by bits, and she reached a developmental milestone last week when she seemed to actually be cognizant of a word she was uttering. The both of us often use the phrase ‘sit sit’ to her when we seat her down on our laps.

She’s now able to repeat this phrase to the best of her ability when she wants to sit down with us. Not quite the precise enunciation yet of course, but it’s by far the most recognizable word she’s able to say.:)


I’ve noticed too that Hannah isn’t naturally comfy when left alone. In this regard, she’s definitely like Mommy and nothing like Daddy! One very nice thing these days is that we don’t really have to call her over to us very much when we want to keep an eye on her while we go about doing our thing at home. She’ll usually just wobble over to one of us – usually Mommy unless Mommy’s too busy in the kitchen to entertain her and she sends her over to me – and then ‘hang out’ around the vicinity.

Oh yeah; the above is our take of the Ikea meatballs. Bought a 1 kg pack with the gravy and jam, and dished it out. Ling managed to whip up quite a close facsimile.:)


While Hannah’s getting heavier by the day too, our arms these days are enjoying a small respite – as Hannah absolutely adores the freedom of being able to walk-wobble around on her own. We used to have to arm-carry her out of the doorway, but she’s able to do so on her own now though the vertical ledge that joins our apartment and the lift corridor still requires us to support her as she manages her way down to the corridor.


And this we’ve got no idea where she learned from: this picture doesn’t show it too well, but Hannah’s fully capable of rolling her tongue! The funny thing is that neither Ling nor I can do it.:)