Discovering Baby Behavior – Part 2 – Feeding

Though Hannah’s been ill over the last 2 weeks, there’s still at least one behavioral aspect that we’re still having a reasonably easy time in – and that’s feeding her. The pictures below basically show you what I mean:


i.e. if I Daddy can do it, anyone can.:)

But seriously, as Ling commented the other day, Hannah takes to her kitchen concoctions very well. Hannah weighs a healthy 8.9 kg today, and I think it’s at least in good part due to that she’s fed well. In fact, even her PD yesterday morning remarked that we could reduce her number of feeds from 4+2 i.e. four milk + two solid feeds to 3+2. Though our own meals get neglected as a result (i.e. outside century egg porridge, Ling rarely cooks anymore for the both of us while at least I still do) in view of the crazy number of hours she spends in the kitchen creating her next baby recipe, at least Hannah’s well-fed even if Daddy has to live on Indomie LOL.

Oh  yes – Hannah’s getting fed supper yesterday evening here in these two pictures: it was a mixture of yoghurt and Papaya. It’s the sort of stuff that even Ling will enjoy but not me though.

Yoghurt…? *shudder*