Bawling Babies

Here’s a short video segment shot of Hannah going about her bawling on Wednesday night and blogged about yesterday:

The video doesn’t quite present an accurate picture of her bawling – it was really, really much worse than this. And there’s some degree of exasperation that you’d hear in my voice too. She’d been crying for about 45 minutes at this juncture, and nothing we were doing worked.

But what it does show is that Hannah’s attracted to strong light emissions (watch how her face changes when the light source comes up), and this time round immediately stopped crying when her attention got drawn to it. She got so interested that she started reaching for the video camera and came close to falling off her chair while scampering over to mine (you’ll see my hand trying to make sure she didn’t fall LOL).

Not that it can be used all the time though: there’s that whole thing about babies looking into bright light for too long, too often.:)