Hannah’s Wall

Since buying my first digital camera 11 years ago and getting into digital imaging, I’ve hardly ever printed photos anymore, apart from the odd occasion when we need pictures for photo frames at home, or when parents ask for them to display at Lentor.

Which is all the more funny, because I’ve been printing a lot of photos of late – and specifically, of Hannah. In fact, I’ve taken to decorating all the sides of my cubicle’s overhead cabinets with 5R photos of Hannah, and a couple more of my favorite pictures. Part of the wall now looks like this:


It’s sort of eye-catching too, because the first thing anyone sees when walking into my cubicle too are going to be these photos.:)

Oh yeah – one update: Matt will be coming after all, though given the heavy snow fall in North-East America right now he’s now flying here by an entirely different route – southwards to Houston, then to Moscow and then to Singapore and hopefully arriving the Sunday next week. The trip had to be drastically shortened from the original 25 days to now just 9 days though, with the Penang and Bali legs removed.:(