Mining for Gold in Sewage

Step aside Newater, gold is the in thing now.

I was reading this interesting article about many (and wild) possibilities of making sewage useful. The world’s population produces around 1.2 billion tonnes of faeces and 15 hundred billion of urine per year. Somebody discovered that there’s similar gold content in sewage when compared to mining from geological ore deposits. In fact, certain cities and towns in the world produce higher amounts of gold in their sewage.

According to the article, one of the main sources of gold is human excrements. Our diet contains gold in trace amounts. And our faeces have significantly higher gold contents than chicken, cow or kangaroo droppings.  Other sources of gold compounds come from medicine ingested, abrasion of gold jewellery during washing and industrial effluents coming from dental practices, electronics industries and jewellery manufacturers.

There are also other useful substances such as other metals, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral oil in sewage waiting to be tapped upon.

Well, here we have another valuable renewable resource as long as we live :)