Sunday Afternoon

The weather here has been awfully warm and humid, made even the more unpleasant by the light haze caused by the seasonal land burning in Indonesia this last few weeks. Things are very slightly better where we’re at in the North-Eastern side of Singapore though, at least according to the daily PSI readings taken by NEA.

Either way, when the combination of both weather and haze gets a little too much for us in the last week, we’d lock ourselves with Hannah in the work room, and condition the air. Hannah gets situated in her Maclaren Baby Rocker, and of late has also become a lot more interactive and interested in objects around her. Like how she’s playing with her nappy cloth while blowing raspberries in the series of pictures below:




There’s a little visible mark on her forehead too from having scratched herself. Her finger nails grow real quick and needs to be filed every other day.

(Taken on the Sigma 24-60mm f2.8 with the Lambency diffuser).