Hannah's Morning Routine

blog-morning-routine Every baby has his/her fussy time of the day. I guess Hannah’s is the morning hours.

So far, her pattern for the morning looks something like this:

6-7am: Wakie and whimper: “feed me”

7-8am: bathe and then do a major defecation (‘big business’) -> change diaper

8am: after output gotta do the input (formula milk) – otherwise major hunger cues (i.e. cry) ! Must burp her thoroughly, or else she would be very uncomfortable and fuss.

8.30 am: Lull her to sleep (normally not successful). Hannah would fuss if placed in her cot…usually she would do big business again, then cry (signal that something needs attention), then mummy gotta check her diaper and / or burp her some more.

9am: Try to lull her to sleep. If unsuccessful, try to breastfeed her (comfort sucking).

10am: If all else fails, give her another bottle of formula milk.

10.30 – 11am: Should be asleep by now, probably due to deprivation since she woke up. :)

11am: mummy can finally fix her breakfast/lunch or fall back into bed due to exhaustion.

Well, the thing with breastmilk feeding is that your baby defecates frequently. Diaper changing is a constant activity throughout each day and night. Just this morning, she used up 3 diapers already. Sometimes, she defacates immediately after changing to a new diaper! Every time I change her diaper, I have to ensure that her bottom is cleaned thoroughly and the apply anti-rash cream. This is something which I need to improve on in terms of speed. She fidgets a lot when it takes too long. Hee hee.

So far, Hannah doesn’t show any signs of colic (I pray not). Hence, to interpret her crying these are the usual causes: 1) hunger 2) soiled diaper 3) gas in her stomach (needs burping). Other causes could be illness, uncomfortable clothes, etc.

The confinement lady and my mother kept telling me that caring for a baby is easy; eat, sleep, eat, sleep. I wish I would call it easy too. It is the part when she cries that unnerved me. Anyway, other mothers have been there too and I’m sure I just have to cast my cares upon my Lord and rough it out. :)

3 thoughts on “Hannah's Morning Routine

  1. Congratulations! In the end, you do wonder what you did the whole day, huh? ;-)

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