"Oh, say can you see…"

I was humming along while the American national anthem was played during the awards presentation for another gold medal win at the Olympics the other night. Ling then turned and asked if I knew the words to the anthem, and there I was singing the words out.:)

The US Presidential Elections is coming real soon, again and I figured I’d better write a first entry on it. Yeah I know this blog has so far largely concerned itself with education and customer service in Singapore, photography, debating, cooking, eating in Singapore etc. everything local. But on occasion I write about foreign affairs, so there. Like this one or this one. So I figured I should do a 4 year-later follow-up entry on the elections between presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain.

Matt was online and here’s how the MSN conversation went.:)

Chek Yang says: I have to write an entry on the presidential election soon, if nothing just to echo my 2004 post.

Matt says: I hope McCain and Obama are caught sleeping together so neither of them get elected.

Chek Yang says: Haha.:) Well, I need to make a prediction, if nothing else just in the oft chance I get to say “See, I predicted right..!!” and make myself feel good.:)

Matt says: My world sucks because no matter if you predict correctly or incorrectly, my president will be a moron.

Chek Yang says: Hahahahaha.:)

Matt says: And send me some anthrax in the mail too, so I don’t have to live through the next four years. :)

Thing is, I’m not naturally a funny person. My students make that clear enough in every semester’s feedback reviews; all their comments go along the lines of “Great lecturer, always well-organized. But why so serious; needs to crack more jokes.” So, whatever entry I write is going to be a matter-of-fact.

Or maybe I should just ask if Matt could write one.:)