More Pasta

Spaghetti with Garlic and Oil @ Home

It’s been a while since I tried out new recipes at home. What with Ling going full bore on trying out new Peranakan and Asian cuisine at home, I figured it was time to reassert my place as Lord of the Kitchen @ Rivervale.:)

Now, one of the problems I occasionally face is finding the appropriate pasta sauce whenever I dish out a plate of carbonara. I usually opt for Leggo’s, but on at least a few occasions now, the NTUC outlets near home run out of stock on those stuff. I remembered that I received from Sharon and Siang an Italian cookbook as a Christmas present some years ago. So I dusted it away, picked it up, and chose one of the simpler recipes that didn’t need pasta sauces to try out. So here it goes:

dining-143.jpgPasta in parsley and pepper

  1. Slice and dice cloves several cloves of garlic.
  2. Cook it in olive oil until it’s very (very) slightly brown.
  3. Throw in cut fresh parsley. We couldn’t find parsley even at Cold Storage, so I opted for the bottled ones.
  4. Throw in pepper, or so the recipe said. I opted instead for the more potent black coarse pepper instead. Yummy.
  5. Throw in thinly sliced fresh mushrooms.
  6. Throw in fresh prawns. Ling had these sliced into halves for me.
  7. Throw in spaghetti, stir and mix well for 3 minutes.
  8. Introduce a mite bit more of olive oil.
  9. Shake a bottle of basil leaf pieces over it.
  10. Serve with a generous sprinkling of parmesan cheese.

The dish didn’t take too long to prepare; perhaps just 15 minutes including spaghetti cooking time in all starting from scratch. And the turn out? Well, not too bad actually. It’s certainly cheaper than carbonara, since it’s sans bacon and sauce. And taste wise, it’s… different. Dried pasta that I enjoy slurping.:)