Everybody Loves Pineapple Tarts

blog-pineapple-tarts-PICT3127.jpgThat’s right, it is one of our local festive delicacies which has a strong following, besides bak kwa (sliced BBQ pork).A colleague has formulated an improved recipe for making the skin of pineapple tarts creamy and moist. A few of us pineapple tart lovers asked for the recipe and tried it at home. The result? Yummy, soft, chewy and sweet tarts! My mom liked it too and I baked some for her recently.

Yang’s mom has her own special recipe too! Her pineapple filling is truly hand-made using premium pineapples. She baked a few tins of such tarts for her children and relatives. In addition, she also baked chocolate chips ‘n’ nuts cookies and almond cookies for us. We are very privileged indeed to be at the receiving end of such exquisite goodies! :)