There Are Too Many Corys!

blog-too-many-corys.jpgOr so Ling complained the other evening. We’ve been incrementally adding inhabitants to the aquarium over the last week or so now. As these things go, additions of new critters need to be done slowly; adding too many at a go could easily overwhelm the nitrogen and ammonia waste cycle that’s still getting established in the aquarium.

The both of us prefer different critters too. The four Lionheads that Ling bought me on Valentine’s Day ten months ago are still hale and hearty. They’ve been moved to a different tank given their destructive habits on plants and that they’re also pretty messy critters. That said, they’ve also been the most interactive of all the critters we’ve had so far. After the Lionheads, Ling loves Cardinal tetras, and she’s been badgering me to buy a small school of them for our tank.

Me, on the other hand, prefer armoured catfishes, or Corydoras critters. These are bottom dwellers who spend much of their time swimming in the lower strats of a tank, although they occasionally will make a mad dash to the surface for a gulp of air. They’re lovely fellows: peaceful, and never greedy for food. They’re also some of the most gregarious fishes around: they’ll happily school with other Corydoras species. And while they tend to scavenge for food on their own, when they’re at rest, they’ll invariably seek out their own, and gather in a little circle like a catfish convention. And if one stares hard enough, these fellows may just blink at you even.:)

We’ve got quite a number of different Cory species now, and the ones pictured here are the most recent additions: two of the three Leopard Corys that were added yesterday afternoon. They’ve acclimatized to the existing inhabitants quite well, and within an hour were happily exploring the tank and swimming with their brethen. :)