Fishes can be like humans

… in that they sometimes just fight and attack each other viciously. That’s essentially what happened in our “prison cell” tank. The three fellows: Nibbler, Stripes and Aura initially existed pretty peacefully for a few months. Since the last few days however, Nibbler has started to viciously attack Aura, and the latter’s once beautiful fins are now in tatters. The poor fellow can’t swim properly, and isn’t expected to survive much longer – and I’m at my wits ends trying to separate the chaps.The Corys had their fair share of bad luck too. All three Peppered Cories and one Leopard passed on together within the space of a fortnight. One swam and got himself stuck behind the filter, and by the time we discovered him, his fins had been damaged beyond recovery. Three others died shortly after for reasons we still can’t figure out: testing revealed nothing to say that the water had gone bad.

The other fellows are still doing OK, fortunately. The ten tetras, two remaining Cories, and the four Lionheads – Ling’s prized possessions – are still as happy and jovial as ever. Sometime soon we’ll most likely get new companions for them to replace those who’ve passed on.