Case file #21042006

We came home this early evening to discover poor Patches had an accident and also been the victim of a vicious attack from one of his tankmates. Patches had gotten stuck in the branches of the Water wisteria, and when Ling helped him out also discovered that several of his fins, particularly his tail fin, had been bitten off. We weren’t sure who had taken the opportunity while Patches was stuck to take a few bites at him, but Ling suspected it was Nibbler – since Nibbler was pecking at Patches when she came into the room.

Here’s what poor Patches looks like now:


Patches is still quite alert and hasn’t lost his appetite for food, and I hope he’ll have a speedy recovery. Nibbler for the moment seems to have left him alone again, but if proof comes up again that it was Nibbler who has been attacking his tankmates, well… let’s just say that his punishment won’t be pretty.